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Plating Workshop

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Posts tagged chrome tank
Save Time and Keep Your Employees Safe by Switching to Dry IBC Tote Technology for Chromic Acid

Dry IBC Tote Technology allows you to make liquid chromic acid yourself. Removing all the hassles such as lifting heavy cans, dumping cans / dealing with chromic acid dusting, and triple rinsing multiple cans of hexavalent chrome a year! This technology greatly reduces the risks associated with hexavalent chromium-both from a safety and environmental perspective. Better for your employees, better for the environment, and better for your bottom line.

Benefits of Making Liquids using Dry IBC Totes vs Manufacturing Internally

  • Ability to manufacture liquid chromic acid in minutes rather than hours

  • Substantial Reduction in “PEL” (Permissible Exposure Limits)

  • Adjustable Concentrations for All Applications

  • No Cans to Rinse or Dispose of as Hazardous Material

  • Same Low Cost for Chromic Acid

Plating International. Inc. also offers Drop-In Tank Liners and Secondary Containment for your Chrome Plating Facility. Contact Us Today!

The Best of Both Worlds: Plating With Poly and Steel Tanks

One of the major decisions that plating shops have to deal with is “what kind of plating tank should I get for my plating line?” Of course, we wish the answer was as simple as the question, but the truth of the matter is it depends on a lot of different things. What are you plating? Plating chromic acid is a completely different process than zinc or cadmium plating. How much are you plating? 300 gallons or 3000 gallons? What method are you using to plate? There are so many questions to ask and factors to consider, we thought it would be nice to see it in the form of a pros/cons table:

Polypropylene_page-0001 (2).jpg

As you will see in the diagram above there are many different things to consider when choosing a plating tank. Polypropylene tanks are great for smaller bath sizes and they are well-suited for the harsh conditions provided by plating shops. Polypropylene tanks are also very durable and they are great for use with acids and alkalies, which is why you can sometimes avoid buying a liner for your tank (unless you’re plating chromic acid, which you’ll definitely still need a liner for!) Polypropylene tanks are also much more flammable than steel tanks, which can be an issue if you are using electrical heaters to heat up your bath. While steel can hold up to well over +2000°F, polypropylene melts at around 320°F. Another factor is their size limit - because of polypropylene’s lower tensile strength and modulus, you will likely need supports to prevent bulging and breaks at the seams; but steel tanks have a lot more natural support because of their higher tensile strength. However, steel tanks are vulnerable to other conditions that the polypropylene tanks will almost never encounter: they can rust and they are susceptible to pinholes, which can be very dangerous if not immediately fixed.

At the end of the day, you’re really going to have to take the time and think about what solution works best for your business needs. That’s why you should ask the experts here at Plating International. With over 40+ of working experience, we can help you well above-and-beyond all your plating needs. Contact us today for a quote on plating tanks!